Knowledge Representation, Reasoning and Declarative Problem Solving

March 2003

Welcome to this site! The goal of this site is to promote further research and dissemination of research results about AnsProlog* (logic programming with answer sets) as steps towards developing appropriate declarative language features and building blocks for knowledge representation, reasoning and problem solving. The book is an early 2002 (partial) snapshot of this. We hope to use this site for pointing the readers at new results (or results that were missed in the book), at related courses, slides, codes written in the language of systems such as Smodels and DLV, open problems, and discussion through a moderated bulletin board. One of the important goal of this site is to continuously add new results in the field in a style consistent with the book. We will do this in several steps. First a paper with new results can be pointed to from the `New papers' page. In the Addendum page there will be three categories: a list of reviewed content; a list of submitted content; and invitations to submit content on a list of topics. Only content that is in a style consistent with the book will be made available in the `reviewed content' section.

  9/20/04    A GUI for Smodels is added. (Developed by Hiro Takahashi.) Comments Welcome!